Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I just finished the website. It has been in the making for almost a year now, it was just hard to find the time to actually sit down and do it. It feels really good to have it up and running though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi honey. I am the first to leave a comment! How fun!

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice!!! You've got a lot of talent. The only ad I don't really like is the the one for fuseTV. I think the concept is great. It's just the photo. It's really white trashy looking and may give possible clients the worng impression about you and your talent. I did a search for your site just out of curiosity and pulled up another business with the same name. Just wanted to let you know because it's possible they might try to sue you if they find out about it. Anyway, I'm really proud of you. Your art and creativity are incredible!!

8:19 AM  
Blogger PureDesign said...

Who left the last comment?

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I did a search also for "Pure Design". While there are other companies with the same name, I didn't find another graphics art design company using it. When trademarking a company "logo" (i.e., name), you only get the exclusive use of the logo as it applies to your product or service offering, not the actual "words". Thus, 10 different companies could all have the same name, just as long as the offerings of each don't overlap.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah you only have to worry about it when there are two different companies that do the same thing in the same business...thats when you run into law suits. You just need to hurry up and get your business established so nobody can steal it from you right now.

8:15 AM  

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